Friday, March 25, 2011

Another Year, another grandchild..

Well as I discover my blog again a year later...(I don't think blogging once a year is that effective :) ) I thought it ironic that a year ago I wrote when Bryson was born, and now I come on here again a few weeks after Elliana is born. Pretty cool.
So welcome Elliana to the Salazar clan. You are beautiful and my prayer for you is to be blessed by God and that your parents will raise you up in the way you should go. Je
sus has a special plan for you but its like a treasure hunt, you have to seek Him and you will find it. For now rest in the comfort of the arms of those who love you...

So Bryson will be a year old in a week. Pretty cool,. He is a big boy, literally :) but he has character and personality and I love to see the pictures of him as they speak volumes into his vitality. Happy Birthday Bryson. Tata loves you...

Well I hope to do better this year in writing... yeah right, hmm wonder if this time next year Alexis will be having a child ....too soon i believe... Ok well, its been fun. Life is a roller coaster and Im on the upswing part now. I just hope it goes up for a long, long time... [thats a prayer God ;^) ]

I finish with my March thought of the day "why are soldiers always so tired on April 1st? Because they just finished a 31 day March..... :)

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